


Masjid-e-ibrahim is affiliated under the Bolton Council of Mosques(BCOM).

This masjid was started in Ramadhan 1428 Hijri(2007 A.D) in 2-Bedroom property No. 17 Carter Street, Bolton. This property was bought two years later.

In the beginning few children and few musalis attended.

Qari Yaqoob Nanji Sahab took the charge of masjid and madarsah, It started improving as a result now we having enough praying people and specilally in Jummas and other occasions like Taraweeh and Eids. Sometimes we have to occopy the adjacent property No.15 carter Street (which we have taken on rent ) due to the shortage of place. On the other hand the madarasah strength risen to 105 students with 5 teachers and then because lack of space, we have to stop the addmissions any more for last four months.

Due to the circumstances, we were looking for a appropriate and bigger place and ALHAMDOLILLAH with the help of ALLAH Almighty your duas some prominent people we could make a deal of £210,000(Two Hundred Ten Thousands Pound) for a property named CARTER HOUSE, which is situated across the road i.e. in front of the present masjid with huge parking place and Four Big Halls and Basement Aprox: 15000sq.ft.

Please donate generously, It is very good opportunity for Sadqay Jariya and also for Esaal-e-sawab for marhomeen.

“Whoever build s a mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah will reward that person with a place in Paradise.”(Hadith Al-Bukhari)

May Allah reward you and your family for your generosity.

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