


"Islamic Congress Inc. - Masjid Al-Ikhlas was founded in the late 70's by a local group of people who saw a need for a Masjid in the Community. Today, our community is made up for 17 different nationalities. "Social Services

The mission of the Social Services Committee is to develop, implement and manage human services programs and supports needed to improve the quality of life of individuals and families. The committee seeks to serve the humanity without regard to race, gender or religion.

Part time Hifz School
By the blessings of Allah(SWT), Masjidikhlasny started the Darul Quran full-time Hifz School in 2012. By the grace of Allah (SWT), our community has experienced significant growth since then. To accommodate this growth, masjidikhlasny is also expanding its services by adding full-time Hifz teachers for boys and starting a new full-time Hifz program for girls only.

The Hifz-school is a self-sustaining project with no additional overhead to masjidikhlasny since all the expenses for the school are covered through student school fees.

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