


Darul Quran WasSunnah is a registered non-profit Educational and religious Organization.

Its mission is to promote Islamic knowledge and its practice among Muslims.

Classes are conducted Monday to Saturday 8 am to 4 pm.


Through the mercy of Allah and your Duas

DQWS has produced since 2006 Alhamdulillah in NY, USA:
50 plus Huffaz of Quran
50 Ulama of Deen
10 Muftis

As of 2021, DQWS has over 200 students and 30 Male teachers/staff and 10 female teachers/staff, in it's three branches in Buffalo, Long Island and it's headquarters in Queens NY.

To continue this blessed work, Darul Qur'an WasSunnah is in need of your duas and financial support.

You can take your share of the reward easily today with a small donationThe best among you is he who learns the Qur'an and teaches it to others as well.

We have Alhamdulillah established the following programs over the years.

- Hifz (2-4 years)

- Alim (7 years)

- Ifta (Mufti) (2 years after Alim)

- Hadith (Muhaddith) (2 years after Alim)

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