


About Community Masjid
The Community Masjid of Atlanta
547 West End Place
Atlanta, Ga. 30310
The West End Islamic Center of Atlanta
1197 Lucile Ave
Atlanta, Ga. 30310

The Community Masjid of Atlanta is located in Southwest Atlanta in the neighborhood known as the Historic West End. The Masjid is less than five minutes south of downtown, and the Atlanta University center. The Masjid is housed in a historic building that was constructed in the early 1900’s. It has served as a neighborhood Masjid since 1976. The Masjid is accessible by Marta via the West End Train Station and taking the #71 bus.

The Community Masjid was established in 1976 as a religious institution dedicated to the service to all Muslims who follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and who reside in the Atlanta area. The Community Masjid is one of the only masjids in the United States that has been consistently open for all required prayers since its inception in 1976. It is a unique masjid in that the athan (call to prayer) has been a part of the fabric of the West End for nearly 30 years.
Community members are frequently called upon to explain various aspects of Islam to students and professionals.
The Community Masjid was chosen as the name due to the vision that a masjid(place where one prostrates before Allah) should be the core of a community, and all activities should center around it. There are many Muslims who reside in close proximity to the masjid Sometimes the words masjid and mosque are used interchangeably, although masjid is more appropriate.

The Community Masjid is a 501c3 nonprofit, non-political religious organization with its headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. The operations of the masjid are based on well-established documents of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama'ah: The Quran, Ahadith books (e.g., Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Nasai, etc.), Ijma-ul-Ummah, consensus of companions, and Islamic scholars.

The Leadership of The Community Masjid is organized as follows:
Imam: The Imam is primary responsible for the establishment of salah (prayer) The Imam is also responsible for the overall welfare of the members of the community. The Imam delegates to those whom he deems qualified to address the needs of the community members.

Amir: The one who acts on behalf of the Imam in his absence.
Majlis As-Shura: The Majlis consists of three community members who act as a consultative body to the Imam and Amir.
General Community members: . The Community Masjid utilizes the bayaat(oath of allegiance) to the Imam to give definition and structure to the body. All members of the Community Masjid have taken the bayaat to the Imam.
Associate Community Members: Members of the Community Masjid who have not taken bayaat, but frequent the masjid, and support the goals and aims of the masjid spiritually and materially.

Community Masjid Programs:
-Salah Five Times A Day
-Janazah Services (burial)
-Arabic Classes
-New Muslim Classes
-Seminars on various Topics delivered by International and Indigenous scholars and students of knowledge.
-Social Committee
-Martial Arts Classes (mixed gendered male and female)

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