
Our goal is to create a wonderful environment for our children to learn and grow as Muslims and citizens of the global community. We prioritize learning all core subjects (Math, English, Science etc) alongside daily Qur’an, Islamic Studies and Adab (manners). Our children are our future, and we must invest in them now.

The mission of Al-Manar Academy is to guide our children towards the full realization of their spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and social potentials as they serve Islam and humanity for the pleasure of Allah (SWT). Our school has a comprehensive program of meaningful, value-based learning experiences in an Islamic environment.

Building a Generation with Islamic Education
We believe that our children can develop the first step here; which is a firm relationship with the Creator – Allah (SWT), followed by the development of an Islamic personality capable of identifying, understanding and working cooperatively with others. This will provide our children with a method of solving the problems that they will face as individuals, community members, and as global participants. This is the essence of excellence in Islamic education.

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