


The Shia Ithna’asheri Islamic Jamaat of Los Angeles (SIIJLA) was formally inaugurated on April 25, 1981 under the leadership of Marhum Gulamabbas Dhala. With support from a few dedicated families (“the Pioneers”) funds were raised to purchase a Church and eventually convert it to what is today known as “Hussein Imambargah, aka Husseinia”.

The Imambargah’s official inception was held on Zilhajj 18, 1404 Hijrah, on the 1400th birthday of Imam Hussein (AS) – September 15, 1984.The center has since been serving the community through a wide array of educational programs, events, and activities through the inspiration of the religion of Islam.

SIIJLA initiated its humble beginnings with approximately 10-15 families. By the Grace of Almighty Allah (swt) SIIJLA now has a vibrant community of approximately 70-80 families, and I/A will continue its history of growth and prosperity.

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