


One of the most important priorities and aim of our organization is the establishment of Al-Islam Masjid. Insha'Allah with the support of the community, Al-Islam Masjid will not only provide communal prayers, but it will be the center of education and learning under the leadership of Shaykh Qazi Fazl Ullah (حفظه الله).

The Objectives of Al-Islam Masjid include but not limited to the following goals.

Congregational prayers (communal prayers) five times a day and Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer.

Quran Tafseer classes in English, Pashto, Urdu and Arabic.

Basic studies of Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah, Islamic History, Classical Arabic, and Qur'an memorization.

Special classes when necessary - (Hajj, Inheritance, Zakat, Salat, Fasting, Nikaah, Ablution and more).

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